OneFS Cluster Configuration Backup and Restore – Operation and Management

The previous article in this series took a look at the enhancements and supporting architectural changes to OneFS cluster configuration backup and restore in the OneFS 9.7 release. Now, we’ll focus on its operation and management.

By default, the cluster configuration backup and restore files reside at:

File Location
Backup file /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/config_mgr/backup/<JobID>/<component>_<JobID>.json
Restore file /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/config_mgr/restore/<JobID>/<component>_<JobID>.json

The log file for configuration manager is located at /var/log/config_mgr.log and can be useful to monitor the progress of a config backup and restore, especially for any troubleshooting purposes.

So let’s take a look at this cluster configuration management process:

The following example steps through the export and import of a cluster’s NFS and SMB configuration – within the same cluster. This can be accomplished as follows:

  1. First, create some SMB shares and NFS exports using the following CLI commands:
# isi smb shares create --create-path --name=test --path=/ifs/test

# isi smb shares create --create-path --name=test2 --path=/ifs/test2

# isi nfs exports create --paths=/ifs/test

# isi nfs exports create --paths=/ifs/test2
  1. Next, export the NFS and SMB configuration using the following CLI command:
# isi cluster config exports create --components=nfs,smb --verbose
The following components' configuration are going to be exported:
['nfs', 'smb']
    The exported configuration will be saved in plain text. It is recommended to encrypt it according to your specific requirements.
Do you want to continue? (yes/[no]): yes
This may take a few seconds, please wait a moment
Created export task ' PScale-20240118105345'

From the above, the job ID for this export task is ‘ PScale-20240118105345’.

As the warning indicates, the configuration backup is saved in plain text. However, sensitive information is not exported.

  1. The results of the export operation can be verified with the following CLI command, using the job ID for this operation:
# isi cluster config exports view PScale-20240118105345
     ID: PScale-20240118105345
 Status: Successful
   Done: ['nfs', 'smb']
 Failed: []
Pending: []
   Path: /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/config_mgr/backup/PScale-20240118105345
  1. The JSON files can be viewed under /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/config_mgr/backup/PScale-20240118105345.
# ls /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/config_mgr/backup/PScale-20240118105345

Note that OneFS generates a separate configuration backup JSON file for each component (ie. SMB and NFS in this example), plus a readme file which provides a synopsis of the backup operation.

  1. The SMB shares and NFS exports can be deleted as follows:
# isi smb shares delete test

# isi smb shares delete test2

# isi nfs exports delete 9

# isi nfs exports delete 10
  1. The prior SMB and NFS configuration can now be easily restored with the following CLI syntax:
# isi cluster config imports create PScale-20240118105345 --components=nfs,smb --verbose
Source Cluster Information:
          Cluster name: PScale
       Cluster version:
            Node count: 4
  Restoring components: ['nfs', 'smb']
    Please review above information and make sure the target cluster has the same hardware configuration as the source cluster, otherwise the restore may fail due to hardware incompatibility. Please DO NOT use or change the cluster while configurations are being restored. Concurrent modifications are not guaranteed to be retained and some data services may be affected.
Do you want to continue? (yes/[no]):
This may take a few seconds, please wait a moment
Created import task 'PScale-2024011810345'
  1. To view the restore results, use the following command:
# isi cluster config imports view PScale-20240118105345
       ID: PScale-20240118110659
Export ID: PScale-20240118105345
   Status: Successful
     Done: ['nfs', 'smb']
   Failed: []
  Pending: []
     Path: /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/config_mgr/restore/ PScale-20240118110659
  1. Finally, verify that the SMB shares and NFS exports are restored:
# isi smb shares list
Share Name  Path
test        /ifs/test
test2       /ifs/test2
Total: 2

# isi nfs exports list
ID   Zone   Paths      Description
11   System /ifs/test
12   System /ifs/test2
Total: 2

Currently, cluster configuration backup and restore is only available via the CLI and platform API. However, a WebUI management component is planned for a future release, as is the ability to run a diff, or comparison, between two exported configurations.

One other significant enhancement to cluster configuration backup and restore is the support for custom network rules for restoring subnet IP addresses, allowing cluster admins to assign different IP address from backup for restoring a new subnet. This ensures that a network restore will not overwrite any existing subnets and pools’ IP addresses on the target cluster, thereby avoid connectivity breaks. The CLI syntax for specifying cluster configuration restore custom network rules is as follows:

# isi cluster config imports create \ --components network \ --network-subnets-ip <string>

For example, the following CLI syntax will configure the target cluster’s groupnet0.subnet1 network to use and a netmask of and its groupnet1.subnet0 to use with a netmask of

# isi cluster config imports create \ --components network \ --network-subnets-ip "groupnet0.subnet1:,groupnet1.subnet0:"

When it comes to troubleshooting the cluster config backup and restore, the first place to check is the output of the ‘isi cluster config exports|imports view’ CLI commands. The backups themselves can be found under /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/config_mgr/backup/. After this, the next place to look for information is the log file, located at /var/log/config_mgr.log. Additionally, the job database, which resides at /ifs/.ifsvar/modules/config_mgr/config.sqlite, can also be queried in a pinch. However, exercise caution since this job DB should not be modified under any circumstances.

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